we enter into the world of meditation and of yogic explorations, we soon encounter
new terms that we may not have heard before.
We hear terms such as "enlightenment" and certainly meditation is closely tied to this term "enlightenment". As we go into the yogic world of India, then we’ll soon hear terms such as "Samadhi".
We hear terms such as "enlightenment" and certainly meditation is closely tied to this term "enlightenment". As we go into the yogic world of India, then we’ll soon hear terms such as "Samadhi".
own roots with the experience of meditation go back to when I was 18 years old and
I was very fortunate to begin meditation training under the
guidance of a real Indian yogi. His name was Mahindra and he was trained by a Swami Satyananda from Monghyr, Bihar. That’s the school he came from and it is recognized in India.
he came to Europe which is where I lived at the time being and where I met him.
I soon began the practice of the very traditional hatha yoga, asanas and pranayamas.
He trained me in mantra, kriya and other forms of meditation.
meditation mantra meditation kriya meditation in one world incredibly traditional India based practice and when I say India based I mean to say that, what we have right now which is the yoga studios and all those classes that are available they are strangely completely separated from meditation, from this classical tradition training that I’m referring to ermm its more like an exercise people do yoga asanas yes they do breathing exercise but it ends there maybe we have ? of meditation but meditation is not something that is part of this modern yoga training that we have yoga education that we have
I soon began the practice of the very traditional hatha yoga, asanas and pranayamas.
He trained me in mantra, kriya and other forms of meditation.
meditation mantra meditation kriya meditation in one world incredibly traditional India based practice and when I say India based I mean to say that, what we have right now which is the yoga studios and all those classes that are available they are strangely completely separated from meditation, from this classical tradition training that I’m referring to ermm its more like an exercise people do yoga asanas yes they do breathing exercise but it ends there maybe we have ? of meditation but meditation is not something that is part of this modern yoga training that we have yoga education that we have
when I was engaging in this training I
was 18yrs old very very young what it means is that we had the year 1972. And
so I really enjoyed this training tremendously something in my being was really
really erm touched something in my being said yes this is exactly what I need I
had an incredible connection with this training and naturally because of this
passion that began to be activated inside myself I soon found myself practising
more and spending more and more time erm with practising what I was learning
spending more and more time with asanas I spent more and more time with mantra
meditation I spent more and more time
with Kriya Meditation and so by the time I was 20yrs old I was easily spending
four to five hours everyday with that.
so which leads me to talking about something that yes, I wish to explain that a
little bit. What I want to talk about is what is the culmination of Meditation
the Yogis say meditation itself is not the end, Meditation when we experience
flowering of meditation this flowering of meditation does have another name and
the yogis in India call this Samadhi.
is a flowering of meditation and flowering of Consciousness and when I use the
word flowering of Consciousness then the indication here is that our
consciousness as it is the Yogi’s consider it merely a potential if you
practice meditation with great fervour and great intensity the practice of
meditation will lead you to the flowering and will lead you to what the yogi’s
call A? Samadhi.
the first Samadhi experience that I’ve had I was 20yrs old and since that time
between then and now I have had many many Samadhi experiences and Samadhi
experiences have happened to me in two different ways and I would like to explain these two
different ways. And I would like to explain the two different ways in which
I’ve experienced and how I am experiencing Samadhi in this following way.
I was 20yrs old I was one evening in our yoga school and it was after 3hours of
practising yoga asanas pranayamas mantra meditation and I closed my eyes and
went into meditation
I saw myself focussing on the point at the top of my head and saw myself
visualising the flame on top of my head and as I visualised this flame there
seemed to be some kind of inner encouragement that I focus on the centre of the
flame on top of my head and as I did that I began to hear sounds and began to
hear certain movements on the top of my skull as if somebody was crashing?
Against the top of my skull there was only me and the empty room. Then I began to
feel as if some some my head my skull began to almost split like an egg would
split it was a most bizarre and most exotic experience I’ve ever had I felt an
electro magnetic pressure on top of my skull and that electro magnetic pressure
became incredibly physical it was as if somebody was pushing against my skull with
a finger and pressing very hard and it felt that tangible.
that lasted for about 20 seconds and this pressure became painful actually and
then suddenly this pain that I experienced on top of my head it shifted in a
completed changed and transformed leading to ? what I call space
was a strictly? Clear space it was what I would call clear radiant space and
that clear radiant space rapidly and rapidly rapidly began to expand and the
only way I could explain that would be that rapidly expanding space expanded to
a point where it seemed there was infinity.
infinity was clear radiant space and the clear radiant space was complete
silence there was no thoughts whatsoever but there was complete Consciousness.
Consciousness was there clear radiant space that was Consciousness. Clear
radiant consciousness it was space.
thing that happened from that point was that at the top of my head into my body
seemed to stream an incredible amount of energy of electricity of chi as you
may call it, there was electricity streaming into my head into the rest of my
body and the electricity was so strong that it felt almost as if I stuck my
fingers into an electric outlet and I was getting electrocuted the electricity
was so strong that the body didn’t seem capable of being able to tolerate it.
I had this feeling that if this was to continue I would certainly die,
physically die and obviously I haven’t but that was the impression.
my teacher than, I explained this to my Yogic teacher and he then said that
what you have experienced the Yogi’s call Samadhi but we would say this
experience of Samadhi you have had was a little bit early and I said well you
know it just sort of happened. But he seemed rather happy with the fact that
this had happened to me.
my experience of Samadhi is two fold, it is through the activation of one of
the chakras as I’ve just explained because the top of the head the yogi’s say
there is a chakra there are other chakras between the eyebrows the throat in
the heart these chakras when they open they become space if you imagine there
are points in your body that are latent that are sleeping but the moment when
these points become activated the points transform and change into expanding
space that’s what a chakra is a chakra is a seed a tiny tiny tiny seed it
doesn’t exist to the naked eye and when this seed activates it becomes space
and the space when it goes all the way to its final to its full fruition it
becomes infinite space, I have experienced this also with the third eye I have
experienced this also with the heart
the experience in different chakras is of a different quality all together as
the top chakra when that becomes clear radiant space it is just silent, the Tibetans
call it “silence like thunder” I classify it? That is correct. The silence was
so enormous that it seemed to it was like thunder filling the entire silence,
silence filled the entire universe like thunder.
you go to the third eye it’s a different experience when you go the heart
chakra it’s a different experience.
the heart chakra opens it is all of a sudden, the empty feeling is space is
there also but it has a completely different quality in the hear the quality is
like you fell into a pot of honey, its so unbearably sweet, you could die in
that moment you wouldn’t care because you are light you cannot die, your body
might die but you cannot.
are this clear radiant space forever you were you are you shall be regardless
of what happens, you are this clear radiant space this infinite clear radiant
space of Consciousness that is who you are.
don’t know it because you are asleep when you go for Yogic training you wake up
that’s whats called Awakening that’s whats called Enlightenment, you wake up.
the third eye also is the same thing when the activation starts between the
eyebrows then what you will experience as you receive an electro magnetic
presence between your eyebrows and this electro magnetic presence becomes
stronger and stronger and stronger until it also changes and becomes expanding
space the pressure the electro magnetic presence turns into rapidly expanding
space. As I mentioned that before on the top of the head
again the flavour here is different the flavour here is one of luminosity of
Joy of theres a presence of unexplainable intelligence, knowing and the same
thing as I was saying before happens in the heart except that that clear
radiant space becomes infinite space it is all sweet, it is so sweet.
all these experiences that I have just mentioned they belong to one category of
how I have experienced Samadhi. I don’t know if there is more than two
categories but I have experienced just two categories the one I just mentioned
and then there is another one that doesn’t seem to go directly with these
modalities of pressures or expanding space from one of the chakras.
other one that I experienced that I have experienced to this day is when the
Yogis say there is such experience of Anahata Nada, Anahata Nada it is the
sound of the heart and the sound of the hear the way I experienced it I
suddenly hear an incredibly high pitched whistle in my right ear or my left ear
it can change normally its in my right ear usually and so I hear a very very
high pitched whistle in my right ear and instantly the moment this whistle
sound starts it instantly turns also into expanding space. Its quite different.
the other way and the Yogi’s say when you hear the Anahata Nada then you must
focus on that instantly because the Anahata Nada the experience of Anahata Nada
is an indication that you are one hair away from Samadhi.
Yogi’s say that you could hear all kinds of sound you could hear music, you
could hear sitar all kinds of different sounds, rushing of water or we talk
about that but I personally have never experienced that I have only ever in
over 46yrs I’ve only experienced this whistling sound and its always the same,
the moment you hear the sound the sound turns into expanding space, just like
the chakras would turn into expanding
space except that the point where the expansion starts is the hearing of the
sound. The sound becomes expanding space there is absolute no mind and there is
no thought.
is the experience of no mind.
mind is gone, its not there and fascinatingly you are there and you are there
much much better. You are infinite space without the mind and that’s why
Enlightenment is also called the experience of no mind.
why Bernadette Roberts she used that term, she called it the experience of no
mind. The good news is that its not just something that its not just something
that happens to Indian Yogi’s the good news is that it can happen perfectly
well to western people and that’s very good news indeed.
Yogi’s say when you hear the Anahata Nada when you hear the sound in your ears,
they know that it can change from the right to the left ear and that is known
and I can testify to that, they say you must focus, you must drop everything
that you’re doing, this is very very important this is an opportunity don’t go
and focus elsewhere, close your eyes and focus on the sound, Anahata Nada means Samadhi is near.
these are the two ways that I have experienced, two categories of how I have
experienced Samadhi.
I thought today would be a good time to mention this.
my message to you is, meditate as much as possible, today is my 30th
day of meditation, meditating 7hours a day and it’s a very creative way of
spending my time and again, meditate as much as possible.
said, “…seeketh the kingdom of God with all your heart…” and what he was saying
by that was that nothing else was important.
important is that you go back to the source of your existence, nothing else
matters if you think other things are more important then you are diverted as
George Harrison says “… you are diverted, you’re corrupted…”.
Buddha says the same thing, the Buddha said that “…do not stop striving for
Enlightenment ever, until its there now this is said by a man who said, “…I’m
going to sit under this tree, until I’m Enlightened…” which he did for 49days.
He was looking for Enlightenment for 49days.
Gurdjieff says in order to find Enlightenment you have to engage in superhuman
effort, focus.
three say the same thing, focus, you have to focus, you have to engage in focus
and that focus that quest for awakening the quest for enlightenment the quest
for Samadhi, once you move into that domain of existence you separate yourself
truly from the rest of humanity because most humanity doesn’t care, what are
you doing looking for enlightenment, I think you’re crazy.
doesn’t think you’re crazy, Buddha doesn’t think you’re crazy, Gurdjieff
doesn’t think you’re crazy, Osho doesn’t think you’re crazy and I don’t think
you’re crazy.
you, Good Luck in your endeavours
with Shahida Sidduqe 15th April 2020, typed with permission)
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