Saturday, October 13, 2018

Letter to a friend

Dear Friend,
Kindly allow me to share some reflections.

No matter where we are at, we continue to learn, grow, and unfold. This process never stops. Even if we have entered the journey of awakening, this process continues. If there are events of samadhi, or even the very rare event of Sustained Samadhi, even then we continue learning. The Universe gives us invitations and opportunities to learn.

In this way we stay humble. The necessity to reflect upon how we conduct ourselves continues. Every atom of our existence must become conscious. We are never above the need for reflection and possible self-correction. Even the greatest Masters look at their lives and consider if there are better ways.

These days Buddhism is very popular.  However,  the Buddha also did not like women. If you look closely at the Buddhist structures, it shows.

I like to think that awakening takes place in a process of evolution. Awakened beings stand on each other’s shoulders.  Therefore, awakening too becomes more refined and intelligent. It does no just repeat or replicate. It grows and evolves!

We can go back into the past and copy old ways of spirituality that in fact have proven to be limited and outdated. Or we can start a revolution today and embrace the spirituality of the future, which is a spirituality that activates the totality of our intelligence.

Intelligence is not just intellectual. It takes place on many levels and dimensions. There is emotional, psychological and sexual intelligence. There is intelligence that is artistic and psychic. There are many ways of activating intelligence that we cannot even imagine right now. The movie “Lucy” with Scarlett Johanson and Morgan Freeman explores this fascinating topic.
My choice of spirituality involves the activation of the totality of our latent intelligence. I cannot be content with anything less. This is my choice.

It is all of our choice. We can become 21st century bodhisattvas and create OUR OWN STYLE along the lines of the greatest, luminous intelligence possible. We can take the chance of risking to be who we truly are.  We can create a new way of being on this planet and a new spirituality.  Or we can just repeat the past. All religions and spiritual avenues of the past have not made humanity any better or more peaceful. It is up to us to choose a greater intelligence, a greater harmony and a greater compassion.

It is time for a new approach and a new way. We can make that choice today. Now.

Monday, October 8, 2018


Recognize you have power

This work of invocation and mantra will ultimately put you into a position of having a lot of impact on the world. You will have great effect on the people around you. You will recognize that you can not only shift your own life, but you will be able to improve the quality of life for the people that are important to you.
Once you recognize this, it is amazing. Once you comprehend how much alleviation of suffering you can bring to others, you have reached a truly important milestone in your life.
The power of invocation is fabulous. At the beginning of this work, you will feel that you are stepping into something intangible. You may feel like shouting into the wind. You will feel doubt and think that nobody will hear you because at school they don’t teach you this.
Please understand that you can have a genuine conversation with a Divine Source and you will get answers that are powerful. They will bring power and transformation to your life. The more you practice this, the more you will see it.
“I call forth the power and the presence of the Divine. I give you my body, hear and soul. Use me as your own.” And then say what you need.
And ultimately, for example, when you say, “I call forth the power and the presence of Yesus Christos. I give you my body, heart and soul. Use me as your own. Banish all negativity on this planet,” --- the moment you say this, it changes the planet.
I don’t just want to present you with teachings that revolutionize your own life. I want you to understand that when you do 10 minutes of invocations, you have a planetary impact.
“I call forth the power and the presence of Yesus Christos. I give you my body, heart and soul. In the name of Yesus Christos, I banish all evil on this planet.”
I sit in my room and I close my eyes and I repeat this. Suddenly I have visions of certain negative entities and I see them begin to fade. Their presence and power is vanishing. They become less and less solid and then they disappear. This is a most intriguing experience.
There are presences on this planet that simply need to go. We don’t need them here with us any longer. The influences that bring war and suffering are no longer wanted. Time to leave humanity, time to leave us in peace.
With this work you won’t just acquire personal power. You can easily become planetary healers. Once you recognize that you have that power and potential, to do invocations, mantras and prayers that make a planetary difference, you will look at yourself differently. At that point you will look into the mirror and see the Inner Tiger revealed. And when that happens, it will be fabulous because we need planetary change. We need more and more individuals that have planetary consciousness. We need more than ants that just live their little lives.
We need human beings that look around and become fully conscious of life on this entire planet. And when we see something that is not okay, we need to get up and do something about that. We need to engage. We need to spend part of our time to clean that up. We do have the power to clean that. You can start cleaning from right where you are, from the very room you are in. You can send out such a powerful emanation that will cause a tangible shift.
Then imagine what happens when you do this work in a group context. Even more power of change and transformation is unleashed. Mantras and invocations are so awe-inspiring and effective.

Unconditional love

Unconditional love is a byproduct of profound meditation effort. Once it arrives, it additionally clashes with society values, which is based on selected and highly conditioned love or affection. You will be loved only if you behave in ways specified by the people and society surrounding you.

Success in Meditation

Success in meditation: You begin to understand how much you don't understand.

The Opening of the Inner Space

It is possible to meditate for a long, long time and not find the Opening of the Inner Space. The opening of the inner space happens when the chi in the meditator starts to overflow.
Or expressed in other terms --- the Silence becomes deeper and deeper until it reaches what I call a "Point of critical mass."
At this point the Silence switches and it turns into the Opening of the Inner Space. At this point meditation is transcended and the world of Samadhi begins, of which there exist also many degrees. As the Inner Space opens, the limitations of consciousness begin to disappear. As the Inner Space continues to expand, one's consciousness is realized to contain all living, sentient beings.
In fact, there is the shocking recognition that EVERYTHING IS LIVING. There is no such thing as a non-living thing.

Lineage Dharma Blessings

Even now beings like Osho and Ramana Maharshi have awe-inspiring influence and bring tangible awakening to human consciousness in ways that profoundly touch my heart. Once a contact with such a source is made, one is spoilt forever, because all the lesser sources will never again do. I am filled with living gratitude at the continuing existence of such Dharma lineages.


The secret to finding peace is to accept what is without wanting to change it nor being affected by it. The opinions that people have, allow them without resistance. You cannot control people. But you can control your response or absence thereof.

Beyond Meditation

Going beyond meditation is called Samadhi. In meditation we experience the deepening of silence, with the mind's chatter fading more and more into the background.
Then what happens as silence continues and deepens, it reaches a switching point. At that switching point, silence turns into what I call "the opening of the inner space". From here the "I" disappears, as it cannot continue to exist simultaneously with the "opening of the inner space." This can be experienced short term, which is most unusual already in the first place, because many meditators find it difficult to reach this without proper guidance.
Generally with successful meditation practice there will be many short-term Samadhis before the final Grand Flowering. Ultimately when the opening of the inner space is maintained and the individual disappears into Infinity, this would be called Sahaj Samadhi or the Sustained Transcendental Experience as in the case of Osho, Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj.

On Hatha Yoga, again…

These days Hatha Yoga is practiced in modalities that were not practiced that way in ancient times nor were they intended to be practiced that way. We have all kinds of new schools, at times teaching extremely dynamic and super acrobatic interpretations of Hatha Yoga.
The original intention of Hatha Yoga was seen within the context of working with the body and the breathing to support the process of meeting the Divine. Nowadays, this intention is vastly lost and what we have is a highly compartmentalized interpretation and we want to be fit and beautiful. Nothing wrong with that, but that is not the goal of Hatha Yoga.
When we shift and do asanas in a very slow way, gently explore our limitations, do not attempt to break through them and find a way to hold the asanas for longer periods of time, meditatively, then entirely different dimensions begin to unfold.
Slow and long-held asanas will begin to work on the nadis, the inner energy channels, in a surprising way. They begin to get cleared and opened, allowing for the passage of Divine Currents. This does not happen in the same way with the dynamic yoga we see so often these days. And of course, the asanas are then simply utilized to support our daily practice of meditation. For that reason, to practice meditation right after the asanas for 60 minutes is mostly the best time to meditate. Just sit and feel the effects of your asanas for that period of time and you will be surprised.

Don’t eat the menu

Unless specifically trained, the mind does not comprehend the difference between a concept and a direct experience. It is perfectly happy to read a menu and afterwards make satisfying and burping noises, such as delivering opinions on something actually not experienced.


In the Greek language there exists the term KAIROS. This word is immensely important.
Kairos means to be at the right place at the right time. In order for a human being to gain access to the domain of personal happiness, power and success, to be at the right place at the right time is of pivotal importance.
Once one knows about this dynamic consciously, one can begin to focus on this dimension and woo it to come into one’s life.
There are people who naturally seem to be in the Kairos Mode and success and power seems to come to them spontaneously and seemingly with ease. This is due to certain favorable, karmic circumstances. Yet upon closer analysis one may discover that DEEP DOWN they actually feel that the price they pay for their success seems too high for them in terms of the soul essence they have to deliver for the success, and the compromises they are forced to endure. Therefore, it can be said that while Kairos is active for them, it is active for them merely on the outside, not on the inside.
Kairos is a dimension that takes place on the outside, the inside and in secret. For example, if an idea arises spontaneously on the inside the pursuit of which would bring success and happiness, this is inner Kairos and the person is well- advised to learn to recognize such subtle events and follow them. This is much more difficult to recognize than the obvious outer Kairos of meeting Bill Gates who gives you a million dollar contract.
It is important that Kairos unfolds on the outer, the inner and the secret domain of one’s life. Once Kairos is aligned in this way, there will be an arising of peace. Absence of peace while the outer Kairos is active, is an indication that the soul is not yet included. The soul and Kairos are still separate.
Kairos is a spiritual phenomenon and should be called for and invoked consciously on all planes of one’s life, for the benefit of one's body, heart and soul, and perhaps even for the benefit of many other beings also.

Time to Wake Up

The greater part of hell is not dedicated to violence. It is dedicated to seducing people into believing that the pursuit of trivia should be important and the pursuit of what is existentially essential --- is not.
And only deep intelligent reflection beyond one's personal likes and dislikes and the attachment to our daily unconscious routines --- will point the way to what is Essential In Life. Or.... good old, high-intensity suffering.
However, the good news is ... that the Universe has shifted. There is an Alarm Clock ringing right now, it will wake many up, even if they do not want to! Its sound will penetrate even the lives of those who are protected and buffered by wealth, fame and power.


There is no greater poverty than the belief that we got it already when in fact we have not.

All Is One and All Is Different

In my world, awakening events radically differ depending on where they originate in the body. in the heart and the third eye there seems to be expansion and no sense of “snuffing out”. However, in the top chakra, the expansion feels like an implosion and the sense of “snuffing out” is radical and direct. The being as was, totally disappears. Yes, there is “snuffing out” and there is death of any sense of self as it was known.
I say this without any reference to any books. This is my direct experience. The differences arise because awakening has different trigger points and locations. And therefore, the explanations differ. They differ because the difference of origination is not taken into account. Awakening does not just happen. It starts at a very specific point in the body. All differences arise due to the point of origin and the degree of the explosion. The degrees too differ.

Oneness Consciousness

Substantial and successful meditation practice causes us to shift away from separation consciousness, the I-Thou experience, to Oneness Consciousness. In Oneness Consciousness there is recognition of One Being in many forms. Persons who extend into Oneness Consciousness tend to have an uncanny way of feeling and correctly reading "the other."


Life is an awe-inspiring, infinite play of magnetic energies that control us. Only by becoming conscious we escape the grip of those magnetic, controlling forces.
All the unconscious programs that cause our daily suffering have a built-in defense mechanism. This defense mechanism looks at the potential solutions and tools (meditation, alternative therapies, dancing, writing and artistic endeavors) that could liberate us from that which causes our suffering and judges them as bizarre or crazy. Often the people around us support that form of judgment. Our suffering thus continues. Now that is the ultimate of crazy and bizarre.

Coming out of the closet: Gay? Spiritual! Spirituality in France

Some time ago I worked with a very famous French movie star. When my book was going into publication, I asked her to write a foreword for me. She declined by saying that if she wrote a foreword for me, her association with spirituality would become public and this would be very detrimental for her partner, who was also a public figure. So, she could not do it because public opinion was against spirituality.
In the 15th century people just had to say that you are a witch. That was enough and you were dead. No trial, no due process. You were dead. In today’s France this habit has changed into “You are a sect!” You are vegetarian, you meditate or do Chi Gung – You are a sect! And you are dead, no trial, no due process. No other country in Europe operates in the 15th century like this still.
This has created some very amazing situations in the sense that spiritual teachings take place in the closet. The rich, famous and powerful all entertain connections with spiritual teachers or healers because they know the powerful benefits for them. For example, one of the French presidents called in a spiritual healer to help him. But this was kept secret. It was not shared with the French public, because the president did not want to be considered weird by the “public.”
This is no issue whatsoever in the USA or most other European countries, but here in France the old tradition of witch hunt remains alive.
It reminds me of the past were gay people were hiding because of fear of public opinion. In France “spiritual” is the new gay and it happens in the closet, especially for the rich and famous, unless you are Gerard Depardieu, who couldn’t care less about public opinion.
When you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, you do not see public opinion. You look yourself in the eyes and you see yourself. And perhaps you see Mr. Shakespeare looking over your shoulder, saying, “To thine own self be true.”

Your Amazing Potential

Our human existence has a goal and a direction. We exist on an evolutionary path. On this path we exist as an enormous, unimaginable, seed-like potential and we have the possibility to nourish and bring to flowering this potential.
We have the awe-inspiring capacity to go beyond the limits of our consciousness.
Living in the prison of daily, comatose routines the majority of humanity is not aware of this. There is equally no awareness that our daily choices influence the speed of our evolution.
When Yogananda states that his meditation methods speed up human evolution by hundreds of thousands of years, he proclaims the great power of meditation practice to dramatically accelerate the development of human consciousness.
When we meditate an hour per day, we speed up the development of our consciousness, even more if we practice two hours a day. When we meditate with a group of conscious, dedicated practitioners, we accelerate our evolution still further. Gurdjieff and many other masters have emphasized the enormous importance of group work.
Imagine you wish to build a house by yourself. How long will it take to accomplish this task? It will take years if you do it by yourself. How long will it take if you 100 people to help you? You will accomplish this in very short time.
Align and synchronize your daily decisions with the goal of your evolution. Take the seed of your consciousness and bring it to its most luminous flowering.

If you don’t speak ...

If you don’t speak ...
As a law enforcement officer who knows about the crimes committed by other law enforcement officer because you uphold the code of silence…
As an employee or CEO in the pharmaceutical industry who knows and has proof of products that bring illness or even death to people who use the product…
As an employee or CEO in the communication industry who knows and has proof that the microwaves that are used in the majority of communication technology bring illness or death to people or animals…
As an employee or CEO in the food industry who knows and has proof that certain products and the way they are processed bring illness or death to consumers…
As an employee or CEO in the waste disposal industry who knows and has proof that certain methods of disposing waste bring illness or death to people or animals…
As a soldier or government employee who knows about operations that harm or kill perfectly innocent people, women and children…
As an employee or CEO of nuclear power plants who knows about operations that have the potential to go out of control and therefore could cause illness and death to people
You commit a crime against humanity

From my heart to yours

Once you come to the point of reaching a very deep understanding and realization of how profoundly humanity is being programmed, how our perceptions and desires are entirely engineered by society, by political and religious programs that control and direct entire populations, you will without doubt be greatly shocked. All notions of free will are illusion.

Additionally our bodies and its various biological and chemical composites that pass through also control our “decisions”. They cause us to respond., making us desire this or that without us being conscious about the origin of the impulses.
All of this does only one thing. It creates an unbelievable absence of true freedom, of having true choices. We don’t have any real choices. We don’t have any genuine choices whatsoever.
We are just being stimulated by our environment into actions and decisions that have nothing to do with who we are as consciousness. They have nothing to do with our deeper desires that we actually do have as souls.
Yes, we do have desires as souls, as opposed to the desires of the human conditioned, programmed mind, the desires that are basically just placed into our heads through various means of manipulation that the society bombards us with.
The soul has desires and the greatest desire that the soul has is to awaken and to exist in alignment with the Universe. The soul wants to exist in harmony with the Creator that has brought Life.
The soul experiences a very deep and profound longing to exist with the Presence that is the cause of everything. That is the deepest desire of the soul. That is what the soul wants at the conscious core.
Everything that we follow and pursue that is not in alignment with our deepest soul longing is bound to fail and disappoint us sooner or later because we have followed the wrong impulses, we have not been able to be conscious and to comprehend what really makes us tick.
The greatest invitation to the soul is to wake up and let us see what makes us function, to wake up and go beyond all programmed limitations. Let us see the false and let us see that which is true.
Let us be able to separate the false from the truth. Let us then discard the false and follow the truth.
That is the greatest invitation to all living, human beings in this Universe. This is the ultimate invitation to all intelligent, sentient life forms in this Universe.
The invitation to follow and find the awakening that brings us back to the Creating Presence of this Universe, this invitation is extended to you, to me and to all human beings.
Let us go Home.

Monday, May 28, 2018


Meditating with Andreas:

I have a channel on youtube that allows you to practice meditation with me. It makes it much easier to access meditation and is the next best thing to coming to a workshop. There are also many other inspiring videos about meditation.

The Mantra Transmission Circle

In this method we create a circle of people who sing the mantras. Then we place people in the center who just sit quietly and receive the mantras. In the center the effect of the mantras is most concentrated and the depth of meditation that can be reached is utterly amazing. We create a very powerful Presence of Meditation that otherwise would be difficult to create.

The Mantra Transmission Circle is the most powerful meditation method that I know. It links up the consciousness of
 everyone in the circle through Mantra to help the people in the middle to go beyond the limits of their own consciousness. In this process, the persons in middle can experience a tremendous expansion, deepening and purification of consciousness that is vastly beyond the state consciousness of any single person present. No other method does this.
This method represents the very essence of friends helping each other to find liberation.
At the time of the publication of this book, this method is presented every Wednesay evening 7:30 P.M. at the Forum 104, 104 rue vaugirard in Paris. For more information please see,

Learning to share the Dharma

I began sharing the Dharma in earnest in 1981, after spending 5 years at Osho's Ashram in Poona, India. Those 5 years were dedicated to the practice of meditation, the central pillar having been the two hours of meditation in the direct presence of Osho, which only could be described as indescribably enriching and luminous. 

Meditation activities at the Ashram started at 6 a.m. and ended around 10 p.m. To spend a minimum of 5 or 6 hours a day in meditation was easy. However there were many opportunities to engage in practices upto 12 hours a day. Once a month there was a 10­­-day meditation camp which shifted meditation to 8 hours a day. Then there were groups like 10-day Vipassana. There meditation was practiced about 12 hours a day, if one included the two hours with the Master. Other groups like Soma presented various esoteric practices, they ran up to 14 days. And again other groups like Enlightenment Intensive plunged the practitioner into asking himself "Who Am I?" upto 16 hours per day.

This should give a basic idea what an intense place Osho's Ashram was, if you were ready to practice and work on yourself. 

Before living at Osho's Ashram I spent 3 years in direct training with a traditional Indian Yogi by the name of Mahindra who taught me many yogic sciences, including Mantra and Kriya Meditation. After that time I continued my training in the Himalayas. I spend time with yogis in ashrams and caves at the Ganges. There, in 1975, I met Swami Charanananda, a disciple of Nityananda and most noteably, Swami Paramananda Avdhoot, who lived in Badrinath, close to the Tibetan border at 11,000 feet. Spending time with those two yogis was precious.

In April 1981 I went to Tokyo and I began sharing the Dharma by running workshops and meditation intensives. One could say that I began learning what worked and what didn't.

What works most emphatically is to practice meditation with people, to create a opportunity for direct experience.

What didn't work too well was to ask people to ask questions. One should think that to create room for that would be important, but I discovered that many people actually didn't know or didn't dare to ask questions that had actual relevance to them.

Their actual, existential question would be, "I am miserable and depressed. Why am I suffering so much?" But instead they ask some superficial, intellectual questions. Answering them would bring no relief to the questioner whatsoever. I soon learnt to ignore many intellectual questions. I began talking about the dynamics of suffering and what caused suffering. Sometimes I pushed people to ask a question that was authentic and expressed their vulnerability. 

What works well also is to talk about my direct experiences in meditation. This works for a number of reasons. First, I share my own being directly, no quotes from any books, and this seems to inspire people. I noticed over time that when I talk about my own experiences in meditation, it is as if the very air in the room changes. Talking about Samadhi is like invoking Samadhi in the room. There are people in the room who feel this. 

Looking back over the last 32 years of teaching, I can safely say that my teaching modalities have dramatically changed in the sense that the fluidity of presentation has greatly amplified. I considered it a compliment one day when Julia said, "You know, they come back not because you are so spiritual, but because you are so funny!" Perhaps I have advanced from being a spiritual teacher to being a spiritual comedian. That would be a good thing.

In sharing the Dharma well I feel it is very important to be authentic and vulnerable. I have seen many spiritual teachers succumb to the temptation of allowing themselves to appear a little more than they actually are. To me that represents the first step into a very wrong direction.
It is very important to me to let people know that I am not Superman. I am quite capable of lots of mistakes and I have many things to learn. In fact, through the practice of meditation I have finally figured out how many things I don't understand and don't know. I allow myself to tell people that I am very unenlightened and that I have lots of work to do and that when I go home after teaching, I practice, I invoke and pray just like they do.

I allow myself to share with people my very own longing for liberation. I let them know that I am on the journey just like them. I offer my friendship. I declare that I have not mastered anything, but have so much to learn myself. I am being myself, my very human self, without any pretension of having found what I know I have not found. It is of great importance to be real and authentic.
I constantly remind people of their own intuition and ability to solve problems and when I don't know the answer to a question, I say that I don't know. 

What works for me is to be myself. 

I might add that recently I have started to reduce the time that I talk about the Dharma in favor of spending more time to practice meditation with people. This creates lengthy meditation sessions, but the results are tangibly encouraging as people are actually going into deeper modes of meditation and feel very uplifted. 

And I feel very privileged to have learnt one of the most powerful methods of meditation at Osho's Ashram in Poona. I call it the Mantra Transmission Circle. Singing mantras is an extremely powerful tool of transformation and this method amplifies the power of mantra even further. The deep peace and beauty that arises on the faces of people is just marvellous to behold.

Our innermost being wants to return to the Peace beyond understanding. We want to reconnect with that which is Eternal Beauty. 
This is possible for all of us.

The Kiss of God

While the initial Kiss of God (Samadhi) can be extremely explosive, what happens afterwards is that everything becomes extremely silent inside and even though thoughts may still be there, they become extremely fine, weightless and non-substantial to the point of being almost gone.

Osho, 30 January 2015

 I spent the entire night with Osho. As a result my chest is exploding with indescribable bliss and my body can't seem to stop crying.

The time is now

Within the next 5 minutes, tell someone how much you appreciate them. Do it in person, by phone or email. Give hugs and kisses.

Meditation: I love you


Become conscious of your breathing. As you breathe out, think, "I love you" to the Universe. As you breathe in, just feel the response. Do it all day long and see what happens.

The world

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.
Albert Einstein

Peace on Earth

If you are sincere in your desire to contribute to Peace on Earth, then it is imperative that you train yourself in identifying each negative, toxic notion in your mind and intercept its expression.

Observe yourself

(Excerpt from a talk given on 19 November 2014 in Paris)
Mantras are the central theme of the work I do. However, we also have to consider other things.
I am trying to present a wholistic teaching. One of the most important things I do is to show  how to track down the sources of our suffering.
You may have seen the movie "Bruce Almighty" with Jim Carey. Of course you know that Jim Carey is my guru along with Woody Allen. Those two are the source of my wisdom...
One of the things that happened in that movie was that the character of Jim Carey was always complaining.  He was always criticizing situations and other people. And then his ultimate target of complaint of course was God. According to Bruce, God did everything wrong.
Bruce was not capable of connecting his suffering with his own behavior. His behavior created his suffering. But that he could not see. It is very important to be able to connect your suffering with the choices that you make in life. You need to connect the dots. You connect your suffering with the source. The source is you. It is not God. God is not the source of your suffering. We are the source of our suffering. We are our worst enemy. 
When something happens that brings us suffering, we have to learn to track down the origin. We have to track down how we created our suffering. 
A man came to Christ with a terrible illness and Christ healed the man. Then Christ said to the man, "Now go and sin no more."  The translation of this is, "Don't commit the same mistakes again which brought the suffering to you."
That means you have to practice something extremely important. You, I, we all, without exception, have to practice intense self-observation. Every moment reflect: How do I behave? What are the thoughts in my head? What are my choices?
We all say, I want happiness and joy. Then 5 minutes later we totally sabotage our commitment to find joy in life.  We take a hammer and hit ourselves over the head and then we wonder why we have a headache. But we cannot see the connection. Then we search a guru who is supposed to show us why we have a headache. This is why people need gurus. And the guru may just say, stop hitting yourself over the head. And we say, “oh, thank you, GuruJi. I needed your wisdom. Thank you. You are so wise. You are magic.” (People in the audience are laughing)
What we need is a good mirror. That is all. Self-observation will give us that mirror to allow us recognize which thoughts and choices create our suffering. Once we know our methods, we can stop them.


Within the context of observing our daily behavior I want to present to you what I found on the Internet. It is called THINK. It is an invitation to reflect for a moment before we speak. 
T - Is it TRUE?
H - Is it HELPFUL?
K - Is it KIND?
We can apply this to the words we speak and also to the actions we engage in.
I made this very interesting discovery. If I can really follow this, I speak a whole lot less! I just stay silent. 
Underlying our great capacity of saying hurtful things of course is one great illness that has befallen humanity and that is our incessant habit of judging others.
Why do we judge others? I can think of two reasons why we judge others. One, we like to feel superior. And two, we totally forget looking at our own lives.
Do you remember the story where Christ was talking to a crowd of people who were ready to stone a woman who had committed adultery? Interestingly, this terrible act of stoning women seems to arise again in the mid-east. It apparently has never quite gone away. 
Christ really had a very powerful way of teaching through imagery or by simply asking questions. The question that he posed to people was this: If you are free of any kind of bad behavior in your life, then go ahead. You be the first one to stone the woman.  He made people stop and look at their own lives for a moment. Then he said, if you are so virtuous, then go ahead and be the first to pick up a stone. By doing so he stopped the entire crowd from killing the woman.
That is what a Master does. He makes you look at yourself.

Right course of speech and action

There is such a thing as a Greater Existential Flow. If we find a way to relax into the moment, it is possible to access this Wondrous River of Being. Then it becomes easier to find the right words and actions for a given situation. 

Meanwhile, as we are looking to contact that Greater Flow, we may ask ourselves, "Which course of action gives me peace?" Follow that.


If nobody said to you "I love you" today then this is for you:
"I love you."

Who am I?

During the 70s I spent 5 years at the Ashram of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, now called Osho. During that time I spent an average of 5 hours a day in meditation, but often I entered retreats where I meditated upto 10 or more hours a day for 3 weeks at a time. During such high intensity efforts of meditation many things shifted in my consciousness and at one point I began to remember that my last life was that of a Tibetan and I remember with great clarity being killed by a Chinese as I was running down a mountain.
The amazing thing was that I was quickly reincarnated into a German family and at the age of 6 my parents attempted to flee from East Germany to the West. I spent a few months in a German Refugee camp, thereby successully completing the process of escaping that I failed to complete as a Tibetan. 
There were other times when I had the most amazing experience of being in two bodies at the same time, one Tibetan, the other one the current body. As if watching it from above, I could see there was an effort made to transfer the knowledge of the Tibetan body into this one. It was as if files were transferred from one computer to the other. It was a very exotic experience.
This also explains why to this day I experience at times massive transmissions from Tibetan Yogis, one of them I call Lama Drubchen, with whom I had contact the last time at the end of last year.
These contacts are hair-raising in the the way of initiating a tremendously expanded vision of the Universe and also a presence that seems like a million volts surging through the body. So, fascinatingly I seem to exist between Osho and another teacher, Drubchen.
Therefore, I owe much gratitude to the Tibetan world, but I also know that I made a choice to not go back to the Tibetan world, at least in some externally visible form, because the Tibetan world at this point is tremendously limited and handicapped.
For that reason I came back in a western body and after my time in the Himalayas in 1975, close to the Tibetan border, was fortunate to be called, literally, by Osho and go through those amazing 5 years of meditation on a monastic level of intensity without the monastic limitations, which are mostly unknown and hidden to the casual observer of Tibetan Buddhism.
For those beings who have access to deeper knowledge, they will discover that Osho used to be a Tibetan yogi (Milarepa, in my view), which was confirmed by the late Karmapa in the 70s. So, in a way I continue in the deepest and most real Tibetan tradition as it has morphed into another expression, which is a white body, under the blessings of Tibetan Masters such as Drubchen and Osho (who also has left the recognizable Tibetan form because it has become too limited and too corrupted).
I really consider myself lucky to be under the guidance of so much substantial presence of Drubchen and Osho. My only way to say “Thank You,” is to share what I have received and what I am receiving.
This book is my attempt of sharing and saying “Thank you.” This book is an expression of me following my joy and I invite you to make the decision to discover and follow your joy also.
Andreas Mamet
aka Swami Anand Karunesh
aka Lhundrup

Saturday, May 26, 2018

28 February, 2010

Suddenly, out of nowhere a brilliant golden light arose in the center of the head which quickly grew in intensity. Simultaneously there was a single thought that suggested, "Fall back into its center." I followed the instruction and fell back into its center. As I did, the golden light intensified. It expanded further and changed color and became a blinding white light. I followed this instruction several additional times until the light was everything that there was, an infinite presence of breathtaking bliss, and one could not fall back further.

The Fallen Angels Are Us

In order to understand radical, fanatical religion, we need to understand the functioning of the mind/ego. The message of the ego is simple: I am better than you. I am bigger than you in every way.
If asked why, it will quickly collapse, because there exists no substantial reason to back that notion.
Therefore, the ego/mind will look for a doctrine behind which to hide and justify its claim for superiority. The ultimate doctrine of course is to say: “I am connected with the One And Only True God.” Fascinatingly, that is the message of all religious fanatics. “My God is the true one. Not yours.”
Now the ego/mind has diverted the attention away from its toxic presence. Now it is hiding behind some religious imagery. It uses God to justify its toxic and violent existence.
Using God to hide behind to express the ego/mind/shadow desire to dominate, control and in fact ... consume other souls is the ultimate perversion of humanity. The individual is entirely lost in separation.
That is the true meaning of the fallen angel. Fallen into separation. And the fallen angel knows not he has fallen.