Monday, October 8, 2018

From my heart to yours

Once you come to the point of reaching a very deep understanding and realization of how profoundly humanity is being programmed, how our perceptions and desires are entirely engineered by society, by political and religious programs that control and direct entire populations, you will without doubt be greatly shocked. All notions of free will are illusion.

Additionally our bodies and its various biological and chemical composites that pass through also control our “decisions”. They cause us to respond., making us desire this or that without us being conscious about the origin of the impulses.
All of this does only one thing. It creates an unbelievable absence of true freedom, of having true choices. We don’t have any real choices. We don’t have any genuine choices whatsoever.
We are just being stimulated by our environment into actions and decisions that have nothing to do with who we are as consciousness. They have nothing to do with our deeper desires that we actually do have as souls.
Yes, we do have desires as souls, as opposed to the desires of the human conditioned, programmed mind, the desires that are basically just placed into our heads through various means of manipulation that the society bombards us with.
The soul has desires and the greatest desire that the soul has is to awaken and to exist in alignment with the Universe. The soul wants to exist in harmony with the Creator that has brought Life.
The soul experiences a very deep and profound longing to exist with the Presence that is the cause of everything. That is the deepest desire of the soul. That is what the soul wants at the conscious core.
Everything that we follow and pursue that is not in alignment with our deepest soul longing is bound to fail and disappoint us sooner or later because we have followed the wrong impulses, we have not been able to be conscious and to comprehend what really makes us tick.
The greatest invitation to the soul is to wake up and let us see what makes us function, to wake up and go beyond all programmed limitations. Let us see the false and let us see that which is true.
Let us be able to separate the false from the truth. Let us then discard the false and follow the truth.
That is the greatest invitation to all living, human beings in this Universe. This is the ultimate invitation to all intelligent, sentient life forms in this Universe.
The invitation to follow and find the awakening that brings us back to the Creating Presence of this Universe, this invitation is extended to you, to me and to all human beings.
Let us go Home.

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