Monday, October 8, 2018

Recognize you have power

This work of invocation and mantra will ultimately put you into a position of having a lot of impact on the world. You will have great effect on the people around you. You will recognize that you can not only shift your own life, but you will be able to improve the quality of life for the people that are important to you.
Once you recognize this, it is amazing. Once you comprehend how much alleviation of suffering you can bring to others, you have reached a truly important milestone in your life.
The power of invocation is fabulous. At the beginning of this work, you will feel that you are stepping into something intangible. You may feel like shouting into the wind. You will feel doubt and think that nobody will hear you because at school they don’t teach you this.
Please understand that you can have a genuine conversation with a Divine Source and you will get answers that are powerful. They will bring power and transformation to your life. The more you practice this, the more you will see it.
“I call forth the power and the presence of the Divine. I give you my body, hear and soul. Use me as your own.” And then say what you need.
And ultimately, for example, when you say, “I call forth the power and the presence of Yesus Christos. I give you my body, heart and soul. Use me as your own. Banish all negativity on this planet,” --- the moment you say this, it changes the planet.
I don’t just want to present you with teachings that revolutionize your own life. I want you to understand that when you do 10 minutes of invocations, you have a planetary impact.
“I call forth the power and the presence of Yesus Christos. I give you my body, heart and soul. In the name of Yesus Christos, I banish all evil on this planet.”
I sit in my room and I close my eyes and I repeat this. Suddenly I have visions of certain negative entities and I see them begin to fade. Their presence and power is vanishing. They become less and less solid and then they disappear. This is a most intriguing experience.
There are presences on this planet that simply need to go. We don’t need them here with us any longer. The influences that bring war and suffering are no longer wanted. Time to leave humanity, time to leave us in peace.
With this work you won’t just acquire personal power. You can easily become planetary healers. Once you recognize that you have that power and potential, to do invocations, mantras and prayers that make a planetary difference, you will look at yourself differently. At that point you will look into the mirror and see the Inner Tiger revealed. And when that happens, it will be fabulous because we need planetary change. We need more and more individuals that have planetary consciousness. We need more than ants that just live their little lives.
We need human beings that look around and become fully conscious of life on this entire planet. And when we see something that is not okay, we need to get up and do something about that. We need to engage. We need to spend part of our time to clean that up. We do have the power to clean that. You can start cleaning from right where you are, from the very room you are in. You can send out such a powerful emanation that will cause a tangible shift.
Then imagine what happens when you do this work in a group context. Even more power of change and transformation is unleashed. Mantras and invocations are so awe-inspiring and effective.

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